Saturday, June 28, 2008

BLOCKBUSTER Is Just Better Than Netflix

Location, Location, Location

Have you ever received your Netflix dvd in the mail and excitedly stuck it in the player only to find that it was defective in some way? It ruins your night, and you’re aggravated because then, you’ve not seen your movie, and you have to send it back and re-order the thing again.

With , you can hop in your car and turn the defective dvd in and get a new one. Problem solved. offers the convenience of renting your dvd’s from your computer and having them delivered by mail to your door – the same as Netflix. But thanks to the umpteen stores (one near you), you have the option of returning the dvd to the store and getting another from there, as well. This is the angle that Netflix doesn’t have covered: The convenience of getting a replacement quickly and easily WHEN you need it – not three days later.

You get what you pay for.
Save yourself some aggravation.
Make the switch back to